I have been using Computer-Aided Design for approximately four years. I am proficient in both Fusion 360 and SolidWorks. I have employed CAD for collaborative design work with my teammates during my time on Team Robocracy. Moreover, I have undertaken various individual projects utilizing SolidWorks and Fusion 360. CAD is a tool I thoroughly enjoy utilizing, as it allows me to translate ideas from my mind into tangible representations that others can perceive. Below, you’ll find some models I have created using CAD.
The designs below were made for Robocracy (First Tech Challenge)

Northeastern engineering project
Here are a few CAD models showcasing my final project for my first-year engineering course – a light-up dog leash powered by a dynamo generator. For further details about this project, click the link below.

Below is an assembly project that I completed in my Cornerstone of Engineering class at northeastern.

The models below were all made in a SolidWorks course at Worcester Polytechnic institute.

The coin sorter design below was made for fun.